Teaching Hungarian at the University of Kazakhstan

Cooperation between Hungary and Kazakhstan built on a strong foundation and through the framework of the International Turkic Academy serves as an “excellent platform” of it said Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó, at the Academy’s event in Nur-Sultan. Péter Szijjártó was awarded the Gold Medal of the International Turkic Academy.

 The Minister stressed that the deep relations built with mutual trust rest on the two nations’ insistence on their cultural identity. In this context, he recalled that Hungarians are seen as the late descendants of Attila. He added that Hun-Turkic origins have a very serious roots and Hungary was admitted to the International Turkic Academy three years ago.

During this period, he said, Hungary put a lot of work to tighten relationship with the Turkic Council countries. He stressed that relations with all Turkic Council Member States are now at a strategic partnership level. Hungary opened representative offices in each of those countries and the Turkic Council has also opened its Representation Office in Budapest. The Minister underlined the importance of boosting further relations and said Hungary supports the establishment of the Turkic Investment Fund and an Investment Bank. He noted that stable people to people relations also were pillar of cooperation. He pointed out that the fact that 4938 young people from the Member States of the Turkic Council applied for scholarships in Hungary this academic year is an excellent sign of this.

Péter Szijjártó said that excellent relations with the Member States of the Turkic Council have been a great help to Hungary’s Eastern opening policy, which has been an economic and political success story of the last ten years. Péter Szijjártó also thanked the International Turkic Academy for the successful care of the Turkic heritage and for inviting Hungarian scholarship holders and for welcoming to the professional library, which is part of the legacy of István Mándoky Kongur, professor of Turcology and a linguist.

Hungarian Foreign Minister was awarded with the title of honorary professor at the most significant University of Kazakhstan, the Gumiljov Eurasian National University in Nur-Sultan. Hungarian language cabinet was inaugurated at the educational institution and in accordance with the signed agreement, it will begin teaching Hungarian in September.

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