State Secretary for Culture Péter Hoppál has received Sultan Raev, the Secretary General of TÜRKSOY

Sultan Raev, who has been the Secretary General of the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TÜRKSOY) since April this year, conducted – besides his numerous cultural programs – several important talks in Hungary.

On June 15 the Secretary General was received by Péter Hoppál, the State Secretary of the Ministry for Culture and Innovation (KIM). During their talks, the Sides reviewed the results of the cooperation between the Ministry and TÜRKSOY, as well as the opportunities to further develop their relations. They agreed that the cooperation has been so far fruitful which they would like to continue in the future too. While KIM and TÜRKSOY possess an agreement on cooperation which is still in force, the Sides agreed that it would be practical to conclude a new one in the near future.

Péter Hoppál stated that he found the meetings among the Ministers for Culture of the Turkic world extremely important and useful. Hungary will take part in them at the necessary level in the future too. The State Secretary for Culture drew the attention of the Secretary General to the fact that in 2023 Veszprém, Hungary will be the European Capital of Culture. This is also remarkable as far as the cooperation with the Turkic states is concerned.

Sultan Raev briefed his partner on his visit to Veszprém the previous day where he held successful talks with Mayor Gyula Porga. As he pointed out, the Turkic states also elect a cultural capital each year, and the task of coordination is the duty of TÜRKSOY. This year Bursa in Turkey has become the Capital of Culture of the Turkic states. In the course of the year a high number of programs will be held in the town. The Secretary General emphasized that the title of the European Capital of Culture in 2023 of Veszprém, as well as the fact that the Turkic world also organizes its similar event, provide the opportunity for cooperation by themselves.

Sultan Raev also added that TÜRKSOY intended to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Sándor Petőfi in a notable way. Since Petőfi is a well-known, recognized and loved poet among the Turkic people, next year TÜRKSOY will pay great attention so that the Turkic world should commemorate the life and work of the poet of Hungary’s war of independence in a worthy way.

H.E. Ambassador János Hóvári, the Executive Head of the Representation Office of the Organization of Turkic States in Budapest, who took part in the discussions, recalled that in August last year the Representation Office, together with TÜRKSOY, the Association of Hungarian Folk artists, as well as the House of Traditions, held a two-day workshop on the roots of the folklore of the Hungarian and Turkic worlds. The event was organized in the House of Traditions with the title “Hungarian–Turkic Folklore Traditions in the 21st century” at which 22 participants from the Turkic states arrived. The craftsmen from among them took part in the colorful event of the Holiday of Crafts in the Castle of Buda where they presented their art with great success.

János Hóvári also briefed the State Secretary for Culture that TÜRKSOY has been invited “Kurultáj 2022” to be held in Bugac, Bács-Kiskun County, Hungary this August.

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