Tamás Menczer Receives the Secretary General of TÜRKSOY

Sultan Raev, the Secretary General of the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TÜRKSOY), who is paying an official visit to Hungary, was received by State Secretary of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade Tamás Menczer, responsible for bilateral relations. During their talks, they discussed the results of the cooperation between Hungary and TÜRKSOY, as well as the opportunities to further develop our relations.

The Sides considered their cooperation so far fruitful and wish to further develop it in the future. Tamás Menczer emphasized: Hungary develops her cooperation not only in the field of the economy but culture as well since she regards this extremely important for historical reasons. During the discussion it was stressed that the bilateral relations with the Turkic states have been dynamically expanding since 2010 both in the field of the economy and diplomacy, as well as culture. Tamás Menczer regarded it extremely important that the volume of trade between Hungary and the Turkic states has doubled in the past decade. He also expressed his hope that the visit of the newly elected Secretary General of TÜRKSOY to Hungary will further build their cooperation.

Sultan Raev briefed Tamás Menczer on the results of his visit to Hungary. He had fruitful discussions on concrete opportunities for cooperation with the leadership Veszprém, Hungary which has won the title European Capital of Culture in 2023, with State Secretary for Culture Péter Hoppál, as well as with other members of the Government and various institutions. The Secretary General underlined that the Turkic states also elect a Capital of Culture each year, and it is TÜRKSOY that has the task of coordinating this process. This year it is Bursa in Turkey, while next year it is Shusha in Azerbaijan that will be their Capital of Culture. The title of European Capital of Culture in 2023 awarded to Veszprém and also the fact that the Turkic world too organizes its similar event offer an excellent opportunity for cooperation.

Sultan Raev also told the State Secretary that TÜRKSOY wishes to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Sándor Petőfi in a notable way. Since Petőfi is a well-known, respected and beloved poet among the Turkic people, next year TÜRKSOY will be paying great attention to the commemorations dedicated to the memory of the poet of the Hungarian War of Independence of 1848–1849.

During the last day of his time in Hungary, Sultan Raev paid a visit to the Tomb of Gül Baba and its Visitors’ Center, as well as the – recently opened – Hungarian Museum of Ethnography where he was received by the Deputy Director.

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