The President of Uzbekistan has visited Budapest

Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the President of Uzbekistan, has paid an official visit to Budapest where he was received in the Sándor Palace by the President of Hungary, Katalin Novák. During his visit, the President of Uzbekistan also conducted negotiations in the Carmelite Cloister with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. During the bilateral talks 14 agreements were signed, among others on developing the strategic partnership between Hungary and Uzbekistan, as well as on cooperation in the fields of energy, justice, the protection of the environment, sport and agriculture.

Katalin Novák was pleased to hear that President Shavkat Mirziyoyev intends to open an Embassy in Budapest. She also added that she has accepted the invitation to visit Uzbekistan which means that in the near future the two Presidents can continue their talks in Tashkent. During their negotiations it was said that in Afghanistan, in the neighborhood of Uzbekistan, there has been no peace for many years, and now, it is in the neighborhood of Hungary, in Ukraine, that a war is ravaging. Hungary is the center of the economic cooperation between the West and the East. For this reason, the Sides will strengthen the economic ties between Hungary and Uzbekistan, especially in the fields of energy, finances and health industry. Katalin Novák underlined that the safeguard for the future of our nations are the families. Our country will, accordingly, do its best in order to support parents who are raising children.

During the talks with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán it was stressed: Hungary regards Uzbekistan as an extremely important partner in the Central Asian region. “Our cooperation has a strategic significance in the political, security, economic and energy field”, said the Prime Minister. Viktor Orbán pointed out that the economic cooperation between Hungary and Uzbekistan has never been as intensive as it is today. The Hungarian–Uzbek Business Council plays an important role in this.

The Sides also talked about that in the framework of the Program of Stipendium Hungaricum, Hungary wishes to offer one-year training to ten students from Uzbekistan in the field of nuclear energy in order to promote the cooperation between our countries in energy and nuclear energy. Viktor Orbán has accepted the invitation of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev to the summit meeting of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) in Samarkand in November. Ambassador János Hóvári, the Executive Head of the Representation Office of OTS in Budapest also participated in the above meeting.

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