Kokand – with the Eyes of a Photographer

At the invitation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and in the organization of the Headquarters of the OTS in Istanbul, a tour with the title “Kokand – with the Eyes of a Photographer” to the Central Asian town was arranged for the photographers of the member and observer countries. From Hungary, it was György Konkoly-Thege who participated in the almost one-week program. His visit was organized by the Representation Office of the OTS in Hungary. It is his pictures that you can view in our photo gallery.

In 2022, it was Kokand in Uzbekistan that was selected as the Capital of Tourism of the OTS. Kokand, that used to be one of the stations on the legendary Silk Road, is the most important town of the Fergana Valley, a less visited corner of Uzbekistan. Since Kokand is not as popular with tourists as Samarkand, Bokhara or Khiva, the Office of Tourism of Uzbekistan wishes to change this unfavorable situation. This year the honorable title of the Capital of Tourism of the OTS has offered significant assistance so that more and more people could discover this magnificent neighborhood and Kokand itself.

In October, in the course of one of the projects for promotion, photographers of the seven member and observer countries were invited to Kokand so that they would present the town in the press and at exhibitions through their pictures. During the days of the program, the organizers showed – besides the sights of the town and its environs – the ceramic workshops and shops that are characteristic of the Fergana Valley. The photographers were also taken to people who grow water melons, and they were also able to see and take pictures of the local ways of storing water melons. The guests were also able to taste the national dish of the Uzbek people, the plov, which is a rice and lamb dish.

The short visit was, naturally, not enough for the guests to properly learn Kokand and the Fergana Valley. But it was sufficient for them to come to love it and recommend it wholeheartedly as a destination to all those interested.

In the near future, the Representation Office of the OTS in Hungary will display the wonderful photos of Kokand by György Konkoly-Thege.

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