The Secretary General of TÜRKSOY Signs an Agreement in Budapest

Sultan Raev, the Secretary General of the International Organization of Turkic Culture (TÜRKSOY) – who is paying an official visit to Hungary – participated in the opening ceremony of the European City of Culture in Veszprém. Before this, Sultan Raev held a meeting in the Ybl Villa with Ambassador János Hóvári, the Executive Head of the Representation Office of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) in Budapest, as well as with the ambassadors accredited to the capital of Hungary.

During his visit to Hungary, the Secretary General of TÜRKSOY was received by Eszter Vitályos, the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation (MCI) with whom Sultan Raev signed an Agreement on Cooperation. The document reinforces the Agreement between TÜRKSOY and the predecessor of MCI that had been signed before. At the same time, it broadens the opportunities for future cooperation between TÜRKSOY and the Hungarian Ministry responsible for culture. During their talks, the State Secretary and the Secretary General stated that the cooperation so far has been fruitful, and it has to be continued in the future too within the framework of the new Agreement.

Eszter Vitályos pointed out: the meetings of the ministers of culture of the Turkic world are extremely important and useful for Hungary. The Hungarian side will participate in them at the appropriate level in the future too. By Veszprém being the European City of Culture, the cooperation with the Turkic states will also be put into a wider context.

Sultan Raev briefed Eszter Vitályos on his taking part – at the head of a delegation – in the opening event of the region of Veszprém and Bakony–Balaton becoming the European City of Culture. During the ceremony he had the opportunity to meet the organizers as well. The Turkic states also possess a similar series of events. It is TÜRKSOY that is responsible for awarding the title of the Turkic Capital of Culture, as well as for the organization and coordination. In 2022, Bursa in Turkey became the Turkic Capital of Culture. Last year it was decided that from March 2023 on Shusha in Azerbaijan will take over this honorable title and the tasks that go with it. In the course of 2023, after a colorful opening ceremony like the one in Veszprém, they will be holding several splendid programs in the town in Azerbaijan. They are looking forward to receiving guests from Hungary to these programs.

Sultan Raev also emphasized that the title of the European City of Culture of Veszprém, as well as the fact that the Turkic world too organizes its similar event, offer the opportunity for cooperation between Hungary and the Turkic world in themselves. The Secretary General added that TÜRKSOY intends to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Sándor Petőfi in a notable way. Since Petőfi is a well-known, recognized and loved poet in the circle of the Turkic people, TÜRKSOY will pay great attention that the Turkic world should commemorate the life and work of the poet of the Hungarian freedom fight in a way that he deserves. In connection with the anniversary, TÜRKSOY – with the participation of the Representation Office of the Organization of Turkic States in Budapest – will hold a competition in reciting his poems in Hungary with the inclusion of the Turkic people.

Ambassador János Hóvári, the Executive Head of the Representation Office of the OTS in Budapest also participated in the meeting and the signing of the above Agreement

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