President Ilham Aliyev Held Talks in Budapest

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, H.E. Ilham Aliyev paid an official visit to Hungary where he was received by H.E. President Katalin Novák in the Sándor Palace. Ilham Aliyev also held talks with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, while the representatives of the two Governments signed seven agreements.

After meeting Ilham Aliyev in the Carmelite Monastery in Budapest, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that „we have raised the level of our cooperation with Azerbaijan by one notch to the level of enhanced strategic partnership.” During their joint press conference the Prime Minister of Hungary underlined that the reason for raising the level of cooperation is that both countries can see well that “it is not only Europe but other regions in the world connected with Europe as well have entered an era of dangers.” The meeting today differs from the ones before by the fact that “the international system of relations around us is much more dangerous than at any time before.” Viktor Orbán stressed that the demand for diversifying energy resources upgrades Azerbaijan. Hungary welcomes the fact that the country has committed itself to improving energy security in Europe.

Ilham Aliyev pointed out that today it is energy security that is the most important everywhere. His country has plenty of energy resources to meet the demand of Europe for the next one hundred years as a reliable supplier. The President highly appreciated the relations between Hungary and Azerbaijan, and expressed his hope that in the future the cooperation between two the countries can become even closer.

During their talks the sides expressed their views on the economic and energy crisis caused by the Russian–Ukrainian war. It particularly raises the significance of strategic partners, like Azerbaijan with which Hungary cultivates excellent bilateral relations.

The following documents were signed within the framework of the visit:

  • Joint Declaration on Enhanced Strategic Partnership between Hungary and the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the Establishment of Friendly Ties between the City of Veszprém of Hungary and the City of Shusha of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and on Cooperation in Culture, Tourism, Urban Development, Science, Economy and Other Fields of Public Life
  • MOU on Natural Gas Cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary and the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • MOU on Cooperation in Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection between the Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary and the Food Safety Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • MOU on Cooperation in the Field of Migration between the National Directorate General for Aliens Policing of Hungary and the State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • MOU on Cooperation in Space Studies and Space Activities for Peaceful Purposes between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary and the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • Protocol on Cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan

President Ilham Aliyev extended an official invitation to President Katalin Novák and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

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