Turkic Youth Club Formed in Budapest

The Representation Office of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) has initiated the setting up of a Turkic Youth Club in Budapest. Ambassador János Hóvári, the Executive Head of the Office spoke about the goals and the further plans in the Ybl Villa. The event was attended by students from the Turkic states, studying in Budapest.

The Turkic Youth Club, which has been established at the initiative of the Representation Office of the OTS, held its opening evening in the Ybl Villa in Budapest on February 23. The participants were, first of all, students from the Turkic states who are studying in various colleges and universities in Hungary. In his opening remarks, János Hóvári recalled that today already several thousand students from the Turkic world are studying in Hungary. “We would like to offer them a platform where their representatives can meet, get acquainted with one another and with the young Hungarian people who are interested in them, a platform where they can share their culture and present their national values.” As the Executive Head told the participants, the Office is planning meetings as a result of which the Turkic youth community in Budapest and the Hungarian friends can not only get acquainted with one another but can learn about the shared Hungarian–Turkic past as well. “I am convinced that this initiative presents an excellent opportunity to them to bring one another closer, and also to form long-lasting friendships. Friendships that can last even after the young people had already left for home,” said János Hóvári.

As it was said during the event, there are young students from all the Turkic countries who have already joined the Youth Club. As far as the Representation Office in Budapest is concerned, it will be taking part in the running of the Club as a kind of mentor. During the youth meeting on February 23, one student from each OTS member state shared his/her thoughts on behalf of their community. They all called the Club a useful initiative and were pleased to be able to participate personally in this new kind of cooperation.

It was also announced that in March the Representation Office will again hold its usual Nevruz celebrations, and in the first half of May it will organize a Turkic teqball tournament for the young people who are interested in this ever more popular game with a Hungarian origin. It was István Döbrei that briefed those present on the game and the details of the tournament in May.

The youth event held in the Ybl Villa was completed with a Hungarian – Turkic folk music program for which thanks are due to the Turkic students studying in Hungary, as well as their Hungarian friends.

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