Stronger Agricultural Ties between Hungary and Kazakistan

During his talks with the Deputy Minister for Agriculture of Kazakistan in Astana, István Nagy, the Minister for Agriculture of Hungary stated that there are further opportunities in the sublimation of seeds and also in growing apples, and we would like to strengthen the agricultural ties between Hungary and Kazakistan.

Minister Nagy called the attention to the fact that as far as the two countries are concerned, agriculture plays a key role. Besides this, new forms of cooperation are being formed between the two economies which are extremely important. There is serious cooperation going on in the field of the sublimation and growing of seeds between Hungarian and Kazakh companies.

István Nagy pointed out that the performance of plants genetics in Hungary is excellent, and for this reason we would like to raise our bilateral cooperation to a higher level. An investor from Hungary may build a modern plant to process seeds so that we could promote the growing of plants in Kazakistan. This investment enjoys the maximum support of the Government of Hungary. For those who deal with the sublimation of seeds in Hungary, this process offers a great opportunity in Central Asia. The Minister also added that the above intention fits the position of Kazakistan to grow corn on one million hectares.

Minister Nagy also expressed his view that as far as growing apples is concerned, serious partnership may also be established which we would like to raise to a higher level.

Further opportunities for bilateral cooperation exist in the field of education and science. By exchanging our students and researchers, we can further develop our relations, since the basis of secure food supply is that one should have adequate experts, added Minister Nagy.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture

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