A Photo Exhibition on Northern Cyprus Opened in Budapest

The photo exhibition of the famous Altug and Alp Galip siblings was ceremoniously opened in the Yunus Emre Institute in Budapest Turkish Cultural Center in the presence of Her Excellency Gülsen Karanis Eksioglu, the Ambassador of Türkiye and other diplomats in Budapest.

In her brief remarks Ambassador Eksioglu pointed out that the Republic of Türkiye was established a hundred years ago, and the diplomatic ties between Hungary and Türkiye also go back to 100 years. The anniversary will be commemorated by a Hungarian–Turkish Cultural Season in both countries for the whole of next year.

The above photo exhibition is one of the first events of the Cultural Season that began on December 18. This year Northern Cyprus marks the 40th anniversary of its independence. The exhibition displays large-size pictures – many of them made by drones – of the towns of Northern Cyprus and its natural beauties.

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