It was 25 years ago that the Kazak Honorary Consulate opened in Karcag

The Kazak Honorary Consulate in Karcag is an important pillar of the relations between Hungary and Central Asia. The mission greatly contributes to Hungary establishing as close economic and cultural relations as possible with the Republic of Kazakistan.

During the ceremony held on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the opening of the Kazak Honorary Consulate in Karcag, Minister of Finance Mihály Varga said that the “Hungarian and Kazak peoples belong to each other, and if this is the case, we do have a duty.” The Minister added that we have to continue the work that was launched by cultivating political, economic, cultural and business ties, since “we can live up to the will of our forefathers if this job is done by ourselves as well.” Mihály Varga pointed out that the opening of the Honorary Consulate a quarter of a century ago was an important milestone of building the relations that had started earlier. When the Soviet Union disintegrated, Hungary was among the first countries to recognize the independence of Kazakistan, and then in the spring of 1993 it set up its Embassy first in Almaty which was the capital at that time. In 1998, the mission was moved to Astana, the new capital. Since that time, the Hungarian mission in Almaty has been operating as Consulate General, issuing visas. Minister of Finance Mihály Varga underlined that the economic cooperation between Hungary and Kazakistan has been strengthening year after year. In the course of the past decades we managed to establish diplomatic relations with Kazakistan that could serve as the foundation of economic, trade and scientific cooperation. The Honorary Consulate in Karcag has played an important role in this.

His Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic Kazakistan, Zhanibek Abdrashov also recalled that Hungary was among the first countries to recognize the independence of his country and that was when the diplomatic relations were launched. His Excellency added that several similarities can be observed in the languages, the culture and the way of life of the two peoples, among them horsing culture and hospitality. In Kazakistan – said Ambassador Abdrashov – a planned process of modernization is going on, and thanks to the new reforms, the country has entered a new stage of development.

Sándor F. Kovács (FIDESZ), the Member of Parliament from the region, said that the story had begun more than 780 years ago when on Easter Sunday the Cumans entered Hungary. The memory of this is still alive – the two nations share several common words and this is something that binds us together even today. The Cumans, the Hungarians and the Kazaks are all closely tied to their traditions and their rights that they have achieved. F. Kovács MP appreciated the work done by László Horváth, the Honorary Consul of Kazakistan, pointing out that he behaved in an exemplary way “when the situation was difficult.”

Former Minister for Agriculture Sándor Fazekas MP (FIDESZ) called the bilateral relations extremely important. He stressed that the Honorary Consulate “is a living bond between “Karcag, Cumania and the ancient homeland. “ The Member of Parliament pointed out that it was Mihály Varga who had put forward the idea of establishing the Honorary Consulate.


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