Uzbek Embassy – in Budapest

The Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Budapest has been opened, and in such a way, by now all the member countries of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) have a diplomatic mission in Hungary. During the official opening ceremony, the Foreign Ministers of both countries, as well as the Ambassadors of the OTS states were present. The Representation Office of the OTS was represented by its executive head, Ambassador János Hóvári, as well as the project directors of the Office. 

During his joint press conference with his Uzbek counterpart, H. E. Acting Foreign Minister Bakhtiyor Saidov, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó announced the opening as a milestone in the history of diplomacy. He pointed out that now one of the countries wishing peace is opening its embassy in another one, also taking a stand for peace, and with this, by now all the member countries of the OTS have a diplomatic mission in Hungary. As he put it, “instead of bolting in and isolation, and opening is taking place.”

After this, Péter Szijjártó spoke highly of the bilateral relations that are based on mutual respect. Both sides have already profited a lot from this, however, the opening of the embassy, as he said, may elevate the cooperation into a new dimension. The Hungarian Foreign Minister expressed his view that the economic breakthrough has already taken place since the National Savings Bank of Hungary (OTP), after having acquired a local bank with 1.6 million customers, has become the fifth largest actor in the banking sector of Uzbekistan. „And the appearance of OTP in Uzbekistan will surely encourage other Hungarian companies since their legal and financial security is already guaranteed.”

After this Péter Szijjártó revealed that a special industrial zone will be established close to Tashkent which is specifically earmarked for Hungarian companies wishing to make investments in Uzbekistan. They will be able to operate with favorable conditions. In order to achieve this, the Government of Hungary will provide the necessary support – a financial fund is already being set up.

Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó has also announced that by the end of this year direct flights between the two capitals will have been launched. At the beginning, it will be two flights per week, and the necessary technical, financial and legal preparations are already on their way.

Before opening the Uzbek Embassy, the Sides signed an MOU on cooperation in the field of cultural heritage, and after the ceremony, a Hungarian – Uzbek Business Forum was held in Hotel Kempinski.

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