The HUNOR Rescue Organization to Leave for Kazakistan

It was announced on the website of the National Chief Directorate of Disaster Recovery that HUNOR, their professional rescue organization is going to leave for Kazakistan in order to participate in an international rescue exercise and the competition among the teams to follow it.

The “Zher 2023” exercise and the competition will be held in Almaty between September 11–20, 2023. The Hungarian Rescue organization accepted the invitation of Yuri Ilyn, the Minister for Handling Emergencies of the Republic of Kazakistan, and is sending ten of its members to the event. The objective of the international exercise is to harmonize the activities of the rescue teams working on the scene of earthquakes. The competition, named “Kazspas” will include rope techniques, rescue operations from water and exercises in diving. Points will be awarded for first aid as well. The basic teams will be formed by ten people. It is six experts, two substitutes, one trainer and another person to support and represent the team that are travelling to Almaty. These ten members of HUNOR have been selected from among the experts who demonstrated their preparedness in a real life situation in Antakya in Türkiye during the earthquake there and in Syria in February 2023. After the earthquake in Türkiye they managed to rescue seventeen people alive.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)

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